Picture of Stina holding flowers. Stina is an influencer in Sweden, creates awareness around living with an ostomy.
Stina - influencer in Sweden, creates awareness around living with an ostomy

Welcome to Coloplast's
Investor Relations site

The Coloplast story begins back in 1954. Elise Sørensen is a nurse. Her sister Thora has just had an ostomy operation and is afraid to go out in public, fearing that her stoma might leak. Listening to her sister’s problems, Elise conceives the idea of the world’s first adhesive ostomy bag.

Based on Elise’s idea, Aage Louis-Hansen, a civil engineer and plastics manufacturer, and his wife Johanne Louis-Hansen, a trained nurse, created the ostomy bag. A bag that does not leak, giving Thora – and thousands of people like her – the chance to live the life they want.

A simple solution that makes a difference. Today, our business includes Ostomy Care, Continence Care, Advanced Wound Care, Interventional Urology, and Voice and Respiratory Care. We operate globally and employ close to 16,000 employees.

On this site, you can read about our most recent news and financial results, upcoming events and much more.

Read our H1 2024/25 
Pre-close brief

Watch our Q1 2024/25 Conference call on 4 February 2025 

Access our Q1 2024/25 Roadshow presentation

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Picture of the Investor relation team. From left to right: Otto, Ellen, Aleksandra and Hannah.

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Investor Relations team

Chairman and CEO’s letter to our shareholders

"With the investments made during Strive25, we are building four growth platforms which all offer growth and value creation potential well beyond this strategic period and set us up for delivering on our long-term financial guidance."

Coloplast user videos

Coloplast is built on the ability to listen to users’ needs – and respond with solutions that make their lives easier

Video of influencer Stina from Sweden

Stina's story

Ostomy care user
Video of Continence care user Tabitha.

Tabitha's story

Continence care user
Video of Wound & Skin care user Flemming.

Flemming's story

Wound and skin care user
Video of Interventional Urology user Brian.

Brian's story

Interventional urology user
Joakim from Sweden

Joakim's story

Provox Life user