Speaking Out Changes Lives

World Ostomy Day took place on 6 October 2018, where patient organisations around the world created awareness about life with an ostomy.

The Coloplast Merit Award 2018

Coloplast supports World Ostomy Day (WOD) by awarding the member associations of the International Ostomy Association (IOA) that share their best stories from the past year about enabling people with stomas to live their life as they wish to. The Coloplast Merit Award’s fundamental aim is to encourage the spread of enterprising initiatives of national ostomy associations to member associations around the globe.

The winners of the three regional contests are:

  • Czech Republic (Europe, Africa and Middle East)
  • Bolivia (The Americas)
  • New Zealand (Asia and South Pacific)

The winners will each receive 3,000 USD and a diploma.

Conditions and criteria

Conditions of the Coloplast Merit Award

Conditions of the Coloplast Merit Award

The winners (one per region) will be informed directly in the middle of January 2019. Check the conditions

The conditions of the Coloplast Merit Award are:

The awards are presented at a local association meeting with participation of a local representative from Coloplast and if possible an IOA representative.
  • Only IOA member associations are eligible to participate
  • Entries must be directly concerned with furthering the needs of people with a stoma
  • The entries, in English, should be submitted electronically to Coloplast – see information below.
  • The decision of the adjudicating committee will be final

The entries should be supported by photographs and if possible press cuttings.

The membership association that submits the entry must ensure that the people portrayed in the submission are informed and accept that the photos and related information is used by Coloplast for the purpose of the Coloplast Merit Award competition. The photos and information in the submission will only be used as a basis for the decision by the adjudicating committee. It will e.g. not be used in marketing materials from Coloplast afterwards.

Judging Criteria of the Coloplast Merit Award

Judging Criteria of the Coloplast Merit Award

The adjudicating committee consists of two members of IOA and a representative from Coloplast A/S. Read about the criteria

Judging Criteria:

  • The entry should support the overall theme: Speaking Out Changes Lives
  • The entry should tell a story about enabling people with stomas to live their life as they wish to
  • It should show activities that reflect the wide diversity of people and how they can share great mutual activities with other people in a social surrounding
  • We will specifically look for images of people
  • It should show originality – level of innovation and enterprise
  • The entry should reflect public awareness – degree of impact nationally, preferably including press coverage
  • It should tell their best story from the past year, preferably about the theme “Speaking Out Changes Lives”, supporting the aim of World Ostomy Day in improving the rehabilitation of people with a stoma worldwide by bringing to the attention of the general community and the global community the needs and aspirations of them and their families.
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