Supplier Portal

Coloplast emphasises and actively endorses the philosophy of: “Business without integrity is not Coloplast business” in upholding a high standard of ethical conduct. As Coloplast’s success is based on quality, business integrity and sustainable development, these values are not only applicable to our employees, but are also expected from our contracted business partners.

If you have not already done so, we encourage you to complete our general ESG questionnaire here.

Coloplast is a member of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative PSCI (, which is a group of pharmaceutical and healthcare companies who share a vision of better social, health, safety and environmental outcomes in the communities where we buy. We have joined forces to promote responsible supply chain management and better business conditions across the industry. You can find inspiration on our website concerning responsible business practices that we encourage suppliers to follow.

Climate Action – Join us in the journey to reduce emissions

Coloplast has embarked on an ambitious sustainability journey including reducing our value chain (scope 3) emissions per product by 50% by 2030. We cannot do this alone and we encourage our suppliers to join us in setting emissions reduction targets, such that we can reach the 50% ambition by 2030. Kindly read our supplier climate ambition letter here and get back to us on Please also find our corporate sustainability report here where you can find out everything about Coloplast’s sustainability ambitions.

Electronic Invoicing

Coloplast uses electronic invoicing as the preferred way of receiving invoices from suppliers.

Access our E-invoicing module here

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