It is your career

It is important that you get a glimpse of what careers look like in Coloplast. If you decide to join us, it will be your career, we are talking about. And it is the health and growth of our business. So, matching expectations is very important.
Careers are built partially through experience and achievements. Some, you are already bringing with you. Some you will gain through working with us at Coloplast. We have ambitious goals for the future and all employees in Coloplast are working together to see them fulfilled. 

Career path


Set high ambitions and challenge your team

  • Set very high standards... and keep raising the bar
  • Challenge the team to seek new and better solutions
  • Set clear direction and communicate them in an inspiringly
A leader's perspective

Set high ambitions and challenge your team

Gerardo Alvarez"We’ve been negotiating a tough market for the past year as the Spanish Government enforced a co-payment initiative in July 2012.  However, this did not deter us, working closely with our commercial areas we made a step change in our approach to secure more market share.  Our efforts over the last year have paid dividends and we see our market share increasing"

Gerardo Alvarez Mátar, Country Manager, General Management, Spain

Read more about Gerardo on LinkedIn


Give open and honest feedback about performance

  • Notice and tell people what they do well
  • Practice straight talking about performance
  • Give frequent feedback
A leader's perspective

Give open and honest feedback about performance

DKARE"Feeback is an essential leadership tool for me in order to grow my employees. I use the bi-weekly one-to-one meetings I have with my direct reports to provide frequent feedback on their performance. To ensure my feedback is relevant and has an impact, I link it to the employees current work situation as well as to their development plans.”

Pernille Singer, Vice President, Wound Care Development

“Feedback is an essential leadership tool for me in order to grow my employees. I use the bi-weekly one-to-one meetings I have with my direct reports to provide frequent feedback on their performance. To ensure my feedback is relevant and has an impact, I link it to the employees current work situation as well as to their development plans.”

Read more about Pernille on Linkedin


Show visible and decisive leadership

  • Deal with issues immediately
  • Show confidence, also during turbulence and change
  • Effectively give support and commitment
A leader's perspective

Show visible and decisive leadership

Dennis Kaysen"For me visible leadership means being available whenever a team member needs to spar on a specific project or deliverable. I will always find some time for a ‘walk and talk’ or a cup of coffee. I show decisiveness in my leadership when I am asked to help make a decision on a particular matter. I prefer to let my team members make their own decisions or at least make a recommendation. However, if they are not able to, then I will make the needed decision with speed and conviction."

Dennis Kaysen, Director, Corporate Communication

Read more about Dennis on LinkedIn


Focus teams on delivering business results

  • Appreciate the efforts of trying hard
  • Empower people to make decisions
  • Focus on what is best for Coloplast before own area
A leader's perspective

Focus teams on delivering business results

Bianca Kiss

“It’s important that everybody understands the business targets and our focus areas. Every week I have a one to one meeting with each employee to talk about how they’re doing and what’s happening. Then we challenge and inspire each other on relevant topics and tasks – this dialogue is really powerful.”

Bianca Kiss, Market Manager, Marketing, Austria

Read more about Bianca on LinkedIn

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